UTBelfast Church

Welcome to UTBelfast

Are you new to this website or are you a regular attender who wants to know more about UTBelfast Pentecostal Church? Use the buttons below for more information.

What's on...

Sunday Service with Pastor Alistair at 11:00am in person or or

What did you miss? Find out on Instagram or YouTube.

Ministries for Everyone...

UTKids at 11:30am

Creche at 11am


Young adults


Brave Women

Get involved...

Depending on your interests, skills, and availabilities there are many ways you can get involved with life at UTBelfast church. Give a few hours of your time and see how you can have a positive impact on the church and our neighbouring community. There are many opportunities to get involved, and here are some suggestions:

Compassion Belfast changing the story of our city one life at a time. The charity runs a food bank (aka The Living Room) and a charity shop known as "New to You". For more information, visit us on social media: or Compassion Belfast website.
Changing the story of our city

Volunteering in creche gives the young families at UTBelfast church the much-needed time to fellowship and enjoy the Sunday service. At UTBelfast church we are guided by a Safeguarding Commitment and we want the best for the children. When you give your time to our church family, you are in essence helping to strenghten relationships with people who share similar values.
Media team

Connect groups are a great way to foster and encourage fellowship as well as stay informed about what's happening in the church.

The scripture says in Acts chapter 2 verses 46 and 47, 'Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved'.

When you help with Sunday-school teaching, assisting a teacher, or preparing materials and snack in Kids church, you are helping to create a strong foundation of faith for the kids. Your input will help to set an early example of morals to live life by and give you an opportunity to change young lives.
Media team

Use your talent and volunteer with our media team. Assist with videoing, sound and photography as well as participate in special events, such as Christmas productions and outreach programmes. Please contact the office if you are interested.
Media team

Greet people at the door or help newcomers find their seats. This is a great way to make new friends and show hospitality. Volunteering for this position will also show that you are a committed and serious member of UTBelfast church. Do you want to join the welcome team? Please get in touch.

Get in touch...

We want to hear from you so please do get in touch with your comments or messages including your prayer requests.

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